What’s the biggest mistake a first-time home seller makes?
If you’ve never sold a home before, it can be a daunting process. On weeknights and weekend, you’ll most likely find yourself anywhere but your own home, allowing potential buyers to see your place in person. That can be quite a time commitment. It takes an average of 40 to 60 days to sell a home, says the National Association of Realtors.
To make it worth the journey, you need to avoid making the biggest mistake that many first-time home sellers make: Mispricing their homes. If you price too low, you are leaving “money on the table.” If you price too high, you’ll likely miss a faster sale and have to lower your price anyway.
Get professional help. This is what real estate agents do every day: Help buyers understand what is happening with the market, what homes are selling for, and why they sold. Ultimately, the seller sets the price, but getting expert counsel helps you avoid making mistakes.